Studying the impact of global software development characteristics on project goals: a causal model (bibtex)
by Ansgar Lamersdorf, Jürgen Münch
Ansgar Lamersdorf, Jürgen Münch, "Studying the impact of global software development characteristics on project goals: a causal model", In Open Software Engineering Journal, Bentham Science Publishers B. V., P. O. Box 1673 Hilversum 1200 BR The Netherlands, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 2-13, 2010.
Bibtex Entry:
  title={Studying the impact of global software development characteristics on project goals: a causal model},
  author={Lamersdorf, Ansgar and M{\"u}nch, J{\"u}rgen},
  journal={Open Software Engineering Journal},
  publisher={Bentham Science Publishers B. V., P. O. Box 1673 Hilversum 1200 BR The Netherlands}
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