An ORDBMS-based Reuse Repository Supporting the Quality Improvement Paradigm -Exemplified by the SDL-Pattern Approach (bibtex)
by Raimund L. Feldmann, Birgit Geppert, Wolfgang Mahnke, Norbert Ritter, Frank Rö\"sler
Raimund L. Feldmann, Birgit Geppert, Wolfgang Mahnke, Norbert Ritter, Frank Rö\"sler, "An ORDBMS-based Reuse Repository Supporting the Quality Improvement Paradigm -Exemplified by the SDL-Pattern Approach", In Proceedings of TOOLS USA 2000 -34th International Conference and Exhibition, 2000.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = {Raimund L. Feldmann and Birgit Geppert and Wolfgang Mahnke and Norbert Ritter and Frank R{\"o}{\"s}ler},
  title = {An ORDBMS-based Reuse Repository Supporting the Quality Improvement Paradigm -Exemplified by the SDL-Pattern Approach},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of TOOLS USA 2000 -34th International Conference and Exhibition},
  year = {2000}
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